About Us
RK Attorneys is a firm based in Los Angeles, California, and serving clients internationally. We handle personal injury and accident claims in both the Los Angeles, California and Chicago, Illinois, areas. We handle debt collection cases internationally. Our ticket services are focused in the Los Angeles, San Diego, and Chicago areas. Our base of tax clients spreads from coast to coast and we can help clients with both IRS and state tax issues. Our attorneys are available 24/7, 365. If you have been injured, need help with a traffic ticket, are owed a debt, or want to resolve your tax problem once and for all, give us a call now at (888) 818-8955, and you will be connected to an attorney that can help you. We provide same day service. When you call our firm to work on your case, we start right away. Our goal is to provide you with not only the best results, but in the most efficient manner possible.